SKU: W12272NBC5

Geripptes Langarm-T-Shirt für Damen

Allergikerfreie, weiche und bequeme Basics

Es kann schwierig sein, das richtige Langarm-T-Shirt zu finden, das warm, leicht und allergiefrei ist. Aus diesem Grund bietet unser hypoallergenes Langarm-Ripp-T-Shirt alle gewünschten Funktionen in einem. Dieses T-Shirt besteht zu 100 % aus chemikalienfreiem, GOTS-zertifiziertem Bio-Baumwollstoff, ist warm und dennoch leicht und löst keine Allergien aus – was es zu einem tollen Kleidungsstück macht, das man in den kühleren Monaten alleine oder in Kombination mit anderer Kleidung tragen kann.


  • U-Ausschnitt
  • Weiches, leichtes 1x1-Rippenmaterial für verbesserte Atmungsaktivität und Dehnbarkeit
  • Feine und unelastische Rippbündchen am Handgelenk, elastisch ohne Latex
  • Glatter und atmungsaktiver Stoff
  • Reizfreies Etikett für empfindliche Haut
  • Ohne Latex und Elasthan
  • Frei von Chemikalien und Synthetik

      Top-Übeltäter, die Hautreaktionen auslösen
      Sollte ich Baumwolle im Freien tragen?
      7 Loungewear-Tipps zur Feier des Nationalen Entspannungstages

      • Entspannte Passform
      • Größe 5 Länge vom höchsten Punkt der Schulter: 24" | Ärmellänge: 23"
      • Das Model ist 1,77 Meter groß, hat einen Brustumfang von 87,8 Zentimetern und trägt Größe 5


      Für ein dauerhaft kompromissloses Erlebnis ohne Allergien empfehlen wir, Ihr langärmliges Ripp-T-Shirt bei weniger als 30 °C mit einem milden Reinigungsmittel zu waschen. Schonwaschgang. Bei niedriger Temperatur im Trockner trocknen.

      Andere Kategorien

      Größe: Größe: 5 | Farbe: Natur
      Color: Natural
      Angebot$35.00 USD
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      No Latex No Spandex

      No Harmful Chemicals

      Superior Breathability

      100% Organic Cotton

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 27 reviews
      Mary Bristol
      Fit: True To Size
      Conditions: Textile dermatitis
      What is the most beneficial property of Cottonique for you?: Natural Organic Cotton
      What made you choose Cottonique?: Sensitive Skin, Allergic Contact Dermatitis
      Long sleeve ribbed T

      Very comfortable and soft.

      Jacqueline Van Rooyen
      Fit: True To Size
      Conditions: Sensitive to some chemicals
      What is the most beneficial property of Cottonique for you?: Eco-Friendly, Comfortable, Allergy-Free, Dye / Bleach Free, Natural Organic Cotton, Chemical-Free, Formaldehyde-Free, Environmental Sustainable Clothing
      What made you choose Cottonique?: Sensitive Skin, Others
      Comfort Bliss

      Peace of mind knowing that soft, cosy fabric next to my skin is not a cocktail of chemicals.

      Sharon Seamon
      Fit: True To Size
      Conditions: MCS
      What is the most beneficial property of Cottonique for you?: Environmental Sustainable Clothing
      What made you choose Cottonique?: Multi-Chemical Sensitivities
      Women's Long Sleeve Ribbed Tee

      This teeis the best one I found ever it fits just right. It’s nice and soft. The neckline is wonderful. Everything about it is great length is perfect. The cuffs on the sleeves are excellent. I know you’re going to love it!!

      lu seidlitz
      Fit: True To Size
      Conditions: Sensitive skin
      What is the most beneficial property of Cottonique for you?: Comfortable, Dye / Bleach Free, Natural Organic Cotton
      What made you choose Cottonique?: Comfortable, Sensitive Skin
      Women’s Long Sleeve Ribbed Tee

      I love my new Cottonique long sleeve ribbed tee! It’s my favorite since it’s so soft and comfortable and cozy!! It fits and feels so comfortable!

      Marilyn Seipel
      Fit: True To Size
      Conditions: Allergy induced eczema.
      What is the most beneficial property of Cottonique for you?: Allergy-Free, Dye / Bleach Free, Latex-Free and Spandex-Free, Natural Organic Cotton, Chemical-Free, Formaldehyde-Free
      What made you choose Cottonique?: Allergic Contact Dermatitis
      Best for allergies

      Very soft and comfortable to wear.
      Extremely comfortable to wear during an eczema flare which was precipitated by polyester in other shirts.

      Tonya Reed

      Loved it! Very soft and comfy! Had no allergy issues with the shirt!

      Suzanne Mccarthy
      Fit: True To Size
      Conditions: Dry skin and mild excema
      What is the most beneficial property of Cottonique for you?: Eco-Friendly, Comfortable, Allergy-Free, Dye / Bleach Free, Latex-Free and Spandex-Free, Natural Organic Cotton, Chemical-Free, Formaldehyde-Free, Environmental Sustainable Clothing
      What made you choose Cottonique?: Sensitive Skin, Allergic Contact Dermatitis, Multi-Chemical Sensitivities
      Excellent product

      I have very sensitive skin,especially in the dry winter months. This shirt was perfect material and well made. My only suggestion is to make the shirt with flat seams similar to the seams in athletic wear. These are not irritating. I wear the shirt inside out because I find the seams irritating. Very warm and washes well

      LeJean Sommerville
      Fit: True To Size
      Conditions: MCS, dye allergies, latex, synthetic fabrics, etc
      What is the most beneficial property of Cottonique for you?: Comfortable, Allergy-Free, Dye / Bleach Free, Latex-Free and Spandex-Free, Natural Organic Cotton, Chemical-Free, Formaldehyde-Free, Environmental Sustainable Clothing
      What made you choose Cottonique?: Latex-Allergy, Sensitive Skin, Allergic Contact Dermatitis, Multi-Chemical Sensitivities
      Love it

      Fits well. I am cautiously moving toward wearing it. I struggle with dye allergies so testing it out.

      Jan Yokers
      Fit: True To Size
      Conditions: Comfort
      What is the most beneficial property of Cottonique for you?: Comfortable, Latex-Free and Spandex-Free, Natural Organic Cotton, Chemical-Free, Formaldehyde-Free
      What made you choose Cottonique?: Multi-Chemical Sensitivities

      Love the comfort and the organic!

      Elizabeth Nyburg
      Fit: True To Size
      Conditions: eczema.
      What is the most beneficial property of Cottonique for you?: Comfortable, Allergy-Free, Latex-Free and Spandex-Free, Environmental Sustainable Clothing
      What made you choose Cottonique?: Comfortable, Sensitive Skin, Allergic Contact Dermatitis

      Women's Long Sleeve Ribbed Tee