Phenoxyethanol and Skin Allergies: What You Need to Know
Understanding phenoxyethanol sensitivity and allergy symptoms is of utmost importance, particularly for individuals who experience adverse reactions. If you suspect you may be allergic to phenoxyet...

Small Area, Big Impact: How to Better Protect Your Feet from Psoriasis
When it comes to balance and mobility, our feet are the most vital part of our body. The simple actions of getting in and out of bed, going for quick walks, and running errands on the weekend are j...

Understanding Sun Allergy: Causes, Symptoms & What to Wear
While mild cases of sun allergy can subside on their own and may clear up without treatment, we believe the most effective treatment for sun allergy is to avoid sun exposure.

Vulvodynia and How to Treat the Painful Symptoms
Persistent, unexplained, and painful. These are the words that are often linked to vulvodynia, a chronic pain condition of the vulva that lasts more than three months without an identifiable cause.

The production of spandex takes a lot of raw materials, toxic chemicals, and nonrenewable energy sources — a process that makes the fabric unsustainable, hazardous to health, and environmentally ha...

The Atopic March: Dealing with Allergic Conditions
Pollen, food choices, dust, harsh chemicals, and fabrics — these are just some of the triggers that can cause allergic reactions in susceptible people. While allergic conditions seem more common in...