Cottonique #Zero-Waste Tote Bag

We “tote” you should know that these bags are made from our
100% organic cotton scraps from our manufacturing site.
By accepting this bag, you’re making your first move towards sustainable living.
By accepting this bag, you’re also helping raise allergy awareness.
You’re loving yourself and loving the earth.

Fabric scrap is one of the worst pollutants in the world.
In the U.S. alone, more than 15 million tons of used textile waste is generated each year.
By accepting this bag, you are supporting our Zero Waste Tote Bag initiative
and helping the environment at the same time.

Our tote bags are made from our 100% organic cotton scraps,
with a very simple and clean design.
The materials used to produce these bags do not harm our surroundings.
It is sturdy, and most importantly, safe for people with skin allergies.

We support fair trade.
We provide work opportunities to other people (subcontractors).
Soliciting talent from third party agencies helps us reduce
manufacturing cost without compromising quality.

Take a picture of yourself with your tote bag and use the hashtag, #ZeroWasteToteBag